I’m seeking new ways to brighten up my home and keep my spirits lifted – for now color seems to be doing the trick. And since I’m spending more time than usual in my kitchen, I’m starting with this room and adding little pops of saturated hues here and there. I love neutral kitchens and have one myself, but these colorful spaces (above and below) recently caught my eye.
I know It can be intimidating to commit to full-out color when it comes to cabinets and even walls which is why appliances and accessories, which can easily be swapped out, are ideal. Fruit and vegetables placed in a bowl or potted plants add life and a natural element to countertops.
Here are some cheerful and bright kitchens that are inspiring me plus some items you can buy online to quickly brighten your space without a full kitchen overhaul. If you’re like me and find yourself in the kitchen (all the time) and cooking (a lot) here are some recipe ideas we’ve been making at the Spector house that you might find helpful in the weeks ahead – Broccoli Bolognese with Orecchiette is my kid’s favorite and they would eat it every night if they could, Marcella Hazan’s Minestrone and the easiest Slow Cooker Tacos which always come out great no matter what. It can be hard to keep up the cooking mojo so if you have any family – friendly recipes to share I’d love to hear!

Accessories for a Colorful Kitchen
Here are some items you can buy online to quickly brighten your space without a major expense or full kitchen overhaul.

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